our local heroes
gustine fire department
636 3rd Ave. Gustine, CA. 95322
The Gustine Volunteer Fire Department is a full service department providing emergency services to our town and surrounding un-incorporated areas of Gustine.
Our Department is always looking for more volunteers to add to the wonderful team of men and women that protect our town!
Fire Chief: Pat Borrelli
gustine police department
682 3rd Ave. Gustine, CA. 95322
Mailing Address: PO Box 16 Gustine, CA. 95322
Fax: 209-854-1205
The City of Gustine Police Department provides service to our community 24/7, 365 days a year. They are committed to providing the highest level of service to everyone involved in the community!
Office Hours:
(Closed on Fridays)
Police Chief: Milt Medeiros